Even though I was able to get some decent readings from my fuel level hose whilst the carbs were in situ, I was still not convinced that the floats were adjusted correctly. In the first place I had had to bend the tangs on the floats themselves along way to get them to give the correct height readings.
I reasoned that the float bowl valves themselves (and the little springs in them) may have become worn. So I replaced all the fuel valves:
This shows the difference between them. I am hoping that the new one (top) will allow the float tang to be bent back to near horizontal, so that it lines up more precisely with the rest of the float metal part.
And then measured the float heights again. This time the tangs could be bent back far nearer to what is considered normal.
This looks like I have not measured it correctly but in fact the camera was at the wrong angle. The measurement is done to the top of the rounded piece of the float or the shoulder not the flat part.
This looks better:
Compared to the old settting: