Thursday, 6 March 2014

Carb Float Bowl Choke Delivery System

Got a bit of an issue on my 1150 ES carb float bowls.  My experience of these Mikuni CV carbs is that the brass choke pick up tube inserts into a hollow section of the float bowl sides.  This hollow is fed with fuel from the bowl through the arrowed hole.  On all my GS1100 carbs, if you spray carb cleaner down the hollow (as in the pic below) it will exit through the arrowed hole.  On these carbs from my 1150 ES none of the the 4 bowls allows any cleaner to pass through to this exit hole.  These carb bowls have been cleaned and put in an ultrasonic cleaner.
Before I start to exert some pressure down these hollows in an attempt to clean them out, can anyone tell me that these bowls should work just like the ones on my GS1100?  Or are they blocked for a purpose?  The choke mechanisms look the same in both sets of carbs and I cannot see how the choke circuit would be fed with fuel if the bottoms of these hollows are purposefully blocked.

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